Super Easy Craft Ideas to make during Quarantine Covid19

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As the whole world is affected by the pandemic, it is very important to save the world and ourselves right now. And the only solution to this is by social distancing and staying quarantine. To lift the mood try Craft Ideas to make during Quarantine.

We all were used to our life which was similar to a roller coaster ride before Coronavirus attack. But now as the days are passing and we are stuck in lockdown we feel life has stopped and days becoming boring.

Its time to fight with the situation and also to make memories.

Finished watching Netflix, cooking recipes, doing household chores without house helpers, singing and dancing alone, virtual meetings and gossips and what now ???

Let’s get  a little creative, discover yourself and try making some handicratfs . Here are some of my favorite Super Easy Craft Ideas to make during Quarantine and you can also use the handmade things.

I consider it super easy because you do not have to struggle to gather materials or follow any rules. You can simply get started and follow your heart and create handicraft masterpiece.

I have tried to put up a few ideas which needs things are available at home easily and time which you have enough in lockdown times. LOL!!!!

Super Easy Craft Ideas to make during Quarantine

Pencil Sketching

Grab paper and the right pencil and start putting your imagination and creativity on the paper. I am sure you will definitely make a masterpiece. With only these two things you need to have patience as well.


Doodle Art

Doodling is that art which you do without even thinking when your mind is occupied elsewhere. It s a way to express your inner self . You just need a Drawing book, pencil, eraser and drawing Pen to refine the initial sketch that you have created. You are going to love the end result.

Doodle Mandala
This is a Doodle Mandala Art

Wall hanging crafts

If you have any left over paper plates lying around, you can utilize them and make your kids have a fun time. Many themes can be drawn usingn crayons or water colours to create these wall hangings. And you can also do the same with acrylic colours and make decoratives of ceramic plates.

easy craft ideas
Wall decoratives using Paper plates


Bottle Art

I am sure you have a lot of used bottles lying around. It can be plastic or glass. Grab one of them and try some creativity and make a reusable thing. Paint your favorite quote, or favorite cartoon character for your kids, or a art work. You will enjoy creating it and even it will stay long with you.

Craft ideas
Art by Artist Pooja Jayant Choudhary

Artist Pooja Jayant Choudhary shared her quarantine art work with me. This definitely is one of best craft and soulfilled result. They are very beautiful and useful too. You can find her at PJC Quilling Street.

Recycle and Reuse every possible thing around You.

Cardboard Crafts

Find out some cardboard boxes that came as packing with your online orders before lockdown. You can use cardboards of any sizes. Photo frames, stands, wall racks, houses are a few quick things to try on. There are loads of ways to make useful cardboard things on YouTube.

cardboard houses
Image Source: Pinterest


Past hobbies

You may not get supplies because of lockdown but you can give it a try to catch up with your hobbies that you left behind growing up. Do share in comments if you have already started and enjoying resuming it.


Paper Crafts

Paper is a versatile crafting material. With basic crafting skills and ideas paper can be used for making various crafts as paper flowers, birthday decorations, newspaper dolls, Papier Mache products, paper quilling art and etc. Paper crafts are great handicrafts to make and sell.

Paper Mache
Image Source:
handicraft business ideas
Made by Pooja Jayant Choudhary


Easy Paintings

You can create easy paintings using Potato stamps, Lady finger stamps, turmeric, coffee powder, fingerprint impressions, water colours, acrylic colours and lots more. Try them. It’s damn FUN.

You can make flower pots, greeting cards, message cards, wall decorations, etc. You can use these techniques to make the celebration days special by handmade card and gifts .

fingerprint art
Image Source: Pinterest

If you are an artist and you have art supplies, you can utilize this time to learn a new art form or try new variations in your artworks. Because creativity is limitless.
Trying Paintings, Dot Mandala art could be very relaxing during this quarantine. You can check out other traditional folk arts.

You can also make a businesses from home  if you find your interest in the creative world.


This is hard time for everyone in the world, but we can make the best use of this time. I hope now you know your Project-to-do and create some handicrafts. Do share your work and we will be happy to see. And any recommendations are welcome.

Stay Home. Stay Safe. Get creative. Live Art


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